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Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

PTK Bahasa Inggris Kelas II SMP/MTs

1.1 Background of the Study
As an international language among other languages today, English indeed has played an important role in this modern world. English language functions not only as a language for science and technology, but also as a means of communication in economy and trade, multilateral relationships, as well as for career growth. Since it has great importance in this global world, the Indonesian government through its national curriculum focuses its goal on improving students’ ability in all skills in English, including the reading skill.
Reading constitutes an activity to understand what the text contains. As one of the language skills, reading contributes to the success of language learning together with the other skills. Reading enables students to find out information from an array of texts, ranging from textbooks, newspapers, magazines, advertisements, brochures, and the like. Reading also enables students to know how English is actually used in printed and written forms. According to Harmer (1998: 68) reading is beneficial not only for careers, study, and pleasure, but also for language acquisition. He further states that reading provides good models for English writing and provides opportunities to study language: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way we construct sentences, paragraphs, and texts.
The National Research Council (in Almaguer, 2005) in addition states that reading is essential for success in our society. Reading is also central to a child’s experiences in school and in everyday life. Thus, teaching children to read is a major task for reading teachers today. Since children arrive at schools at different reading developmental stages, reading teachers are faced with helping less capable readers improve their reading skills by providing the best reading instruction possible.

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